MBC Pictorial Directory

Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name.

Do you ever wish you could remember the name of the person who sits in the pew in front you each week?  Or maybe you are new to Martha Bowman Church and you are still trying to put names and faces together? With our three service times, multiple Sunday school classes, Bible studies, age level ministries, and different ministry teams, it can be challenging to know everyone.

This is why we have an online pictorial directory at Martha Bowman Church. If you would like to be a part of this directory, just submit your picture using the button below and fill out your information using the form below. One we have received your information, one of our staff members will contact you with instructions for accessing our password protected online members’ directory. If you would like a printed version of the directory instead, just check in with one of our friendly volunteers at the Guest Services Desk in the Church Lobby. Questions? CLICK HERE